Monday, January 5, 2009

my english homework

Ligh vs Dark. Bad vs Good?

So many people have asked me what's so great about the night that I would rather get up at sunset and go to sleep at dawn. Why I spend countless hours lost in thought under the night sky? How I can prefer to walk into a dark room and leave the lights off.
But I have some questions myself. Why does the dark evoke fear in the human mind? Why do the monsters in the stories meant to scare us as children, (Ghost, Vampires, Werewolves, etc.) only appear by moon light? Why do we Search for beauty in the day yet fail to see the splendor of the night.
Fear of the Dark is not an uncommon thing, as children most of us cling to the night light to scare away the "monsters" from under our beds. Even as we grow older and learn that these monsters do not exist we still jump when the sliest sound stirs in the night.
We assume with in our minds the connection between darkness and evil there for making light=good and God and the dark=bad and the Devil. Therefore those who delight in those things we classify as dark and evil (Monsters, the night, magic, the darker side of our minds) are themselves classified as evil. But are they not just embracing a side of the human form others shun in fear or possible in an attempt to not be the evil outcast?
At some time within our childhood we all believe monsters to be real even as our parents reassure is that they do not exist. A part of our mind always is fearful of them. But as we grow up we tend to stop believing in them, however, those of us who continue to stay fascinated with these creatures of the dark are often made fun of and concidered outcasted, the dark creepy kids.
Vampires and magic are probable two of the legends that are so often the center of controversy. The Vampire has captivated the minds of humans for centuries. Many people are fearful of a creature that can appear as if almost out of no where sinking their teeth into our skin killing us. However a large portion of people long to have this vampire power..
What is it about the Vampire that captivates us? In almost every Vampire legend the hopeless romantic form seems to rise above the rest. How is it that something so sinister can captivate our hearts? What girl does not long for a vampire romance, to be sought out to be praised by a man that shows the utmost affection towards her?
On the side of magic, I have never met on person who at some time in their life not dreamed of possessing the gift of magic. To be able to bring themselves good fortune and those who do bad upon them, a cures. Yet as history has shown us we fear this power as well. Sixteen people were brutally killed during the Salem witch trials of 1692. All young innocent people accused of doing a great evil. Even today those who call themselves, witches and warlocks, are themselves associated with evil. Most of the time these are just harmless teenagers having fun, however there are many people out there who really do believe they posses some sort of power.
Do we fear these people because of the fact that we ourselves do not have something as powerful as this? Why is the church so determined to condemn children's books such as Harry Potter, calling it the work of the devil because of the use of witch craft? Are they not just harmless fictional books made to entertain the mind? What is the huge danger in a world of magical creatures?
Yes in a world of magic bad is going to exist there is always going to be someone out there power hungry wishing to take control. But does that not happen even today in a world without magic? Did Hitler not do as much damage as any one possessing a magic power could do? For were there is a bad side to something isn't there almost always a good side? Yes good may not always win in real life but has it not been shown through out history that good can at least make a crack in evils armor?
And what about the people that delight in these things. The stereotypical kid walking down the street dressed in all black looking as thought he's inches from flinging himself off a cliff. Shunned by the rest of the world because he would rather live with any pain he feels then to join this age of anti depressants. Where all we are doing is messing with the chemical balance of our body forcing someone to be happy can not be any more healthy then a person who struggles with the pain of an event in their life. We are so afraid of the darker side of our emotions that we have spent billions of dollars in changing them because it is said to be bad. But all these people are doing is realizing that this side of the human plate of emotions is completely normal and they have chosen to embrace it rather then shun it for the acceptance of the rest of the world.
And yet in the end everything once again comes back to associate with the darkness of night and evil. Is it fear of the unknown? As we fear on a walk home after night fall of a stranger emerging from the dark?
But why then do we not live in constant fear of the same thing during the day? I have never heard of a single crime that only took place at night and was not committed during the day. Then why at night do we suddenly become nothing more then venerable prey?
As night falls we rush past it into our cozy homes, locking all doors, turning on the lights, and curling up under a blanket as though it's some shield against the evils of the dark.
We fail to see the beauty of it all. The strange orange glow of a harvest moon slowly rising in the sky, casting an odd glow over the world. The shadows created by a tree's branches basking in the moonlight. How the colors of the world seem to change. They almost match to different shades of the same color almost as to say, "all is equal in this hour." Even a simple flower is different by moonlight, creases in the petals that seem to pop out of it, that were not seen during the day.
The most beautiful thing of the night is not really a sight however, but a sound. The sound of the night. The sound of silence. Silence that makes everything feel as though it is not moving. That the world is frozen in time and you alone are left with your thoughts. This stillness is only broken by the cry of some nocturnal creature, as to say, "thank god for this wonderful beauty."
For only god could create something like this. Something so beautiful, no evil could have laid a hand upon it. For in the beginning god created night and day, one can not survive without the other, as many opposites of this world can not. But as in all things that have a reverse, one is easily feared.
But in fearing, we have forgotten the wondrous beauty that we have been gifted, when the full moon revels itself for the first time on a cloud covered night from behind clouds that appear silver on the star doted canvas that is the night sky. The beauty that is the night.

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