Monday, October 19, 2009

Ashes to Ashes, and Dust to Dust, all that this comes down to is us

So once upon a time I met a boy, and not to long after that I fell in love with him. Typical story of a typical teenage high school romance. But there is something about this boy that is different then anything I have ever felt before. Id do anything for him. Id do anything to see him smile. The thought of him makes my world feel content. I am honestly in love with him.

at least once a week I get the question..."How is it being in a long distance relationship, like is it hard?" As strange as this is, this question always makes me smile. because I understand it. In this day an age where the average marriage only last 8 years, and the divorce rate is 50% how in the world do to young adults make a long distance relationship last as long as we have?

The answer... I have no clue. It always baffles me to think that people doubt such things. I mean I love him. That is the real answer. for what is any relationship with out love. even so far away we still make time for each other, and we learn to appreciate the little things, a letter in the mail, a package of random dollar tree nic nacks.

Love is accepting things as they are... and just loving each other through it all

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