Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Love story

Criminals, Airports, and love

It started by a chance meeting; two strangers in an airport no special place. No sparks went off, no fireworks in their first meeting. In all honestly they had nothing in common a man and a woman from different parts of the country in their own worlds. She was an insurance agent. He was a hotel manager. Both careers kept them in airports often. But today would change any other flight they would ever take again.
“oh I’m terribly sorry mama.”
The man apologized as he accidently bumped into the women as he walked past her sitting in a chair.
“Is this seat taken?”
He gestured to the empty seat to her left.
“No not at all, go ahead.”
The woman said with a smile. She turned back to her book. Not a book generally read by an insurance agent. The book was titled Obsession written by John E. Douglas, a book about the inside of serial killer minds. What makes them think why they do what they do. The man took notice of the woman’s reading material. Not something the common reader read. He only knew the title because he had picked it up accidently a few years earlier, a little light reading on one of his many flights. He had become hooked on this enchanting, in a dark, disturbing way, genre of reading material.
“Excuse me this may be a strange question and feel free to tell me if I’m invading too much into the life of a stranger. But that book your reading? Are you a criminal profiler?”
At first the women was a little taken a back why in the world was this stranger talking to her?
“Me? Oh this no it’s just an odd fascination of mine. I quite enjoy these types of books.”
She returned back to her book. Figuring this conversation had ended. The man looked about the airport. He didn’t quite feel like reading right then. He could not concentrate with all the noise and the people anyway. He glanced at the woman still reading.
“I’m, Mark by the way.”
She glanced at him and smiled then continued reading. She flew enough that she had learned it was better to just not talk then make small talk with the strangers around her.
“You know I am quite a fan of the criminal profiling genre of books, actually the entire human mind amazes me.”
The woman realized that reading around this man, Mark? Did he say his name was? Would be impossible. But he didn’t seem to be the regular creeper bent on hitting her or the desperate traveler I need of a conversation. So she gave in.
For the next half hour the discussed their fascination with the human mind and how it works. They talked about their jobs. How they were in and out of air ports all the time. Often time in different cities every other week. She had a home in San Francisco she rarely saw. He had a loft in Manhattan he had not been to in months. They talked till they boarded their separate planes for separate destinations.
Two strangers on two different paths. In two different worlds.
Many weeks past and it didn’t take long for her to forget the stranger in the airport. In fact she had forgotten all about him. As he had forgotten her.
It was a rainy Thursday afternoon in the Seattle airport. The woman was in need of a coffee and was thrilled when her caramel macchiato was placed up on the bar. As the order was called she went grab it only for her hand to meet with another.
“oh I’m terribly sorry mama”
The woman looked into the face of the man she had forgotten and remembered.
She was pleasantly shocked to meet him again.
“Well, if its not a small world. I do believe we have met once before, Kate is it?”
He was secretly pleased to have run into the beautiful women with the beautiful mind once again.
As they meet again the second coffee was placed on the bar. They grabbed their drinks and sat down to talk as they waited for their flights. They talked about their lives since they had last seen each other. Never going into too much detail. Never saying to much neither ever knowing much about the others true life.
This time when they left they exchanged numbers. They had created a friendship of sorts. Two strangers who met in an airport.
Whenever they found a moment when they would be in the same city or could arrange a lay over in the same town they did. They never left the airport. Coffee every few weeks one day Chicago another Austin.
They never spoke into much detail of their lives. Just enough to keep a conversation and only long enough till one of them had to catch a flight.
They never told each other but in a strange way they had fallen in love. They both knew it was a relationship that would never work they were from different worlds. With only airports in common. But they were lovers of sorts lovers in an airport starbucks.

*not done I need a good closing but I cant think of it right now.

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