Sunday, March 8, 2009

Another new poem... Maybe a poetry slam entry?!?!?

ok well I cant take all the credit for this one... I have to give some to Nicki... cause it sorta branched off one of her poems, but I think hers is better.... sooooo here its at...

Go Back

Go back to the day I visited you at work,
and say I couldn't find a ride.
Go back to the day I sent that text,
and study for a test instead.
Go back to the day I got in your car,
and scream.
Go back to the day I told you the truth,
and keep it my little secret.
Go back to the day you called,
and forget to call you back.
Go back to the day in the park,
and take back those memories.
Go back to the Crow,
and never look into your eyes.
Go back to the day I picked up the phone,
and forget who you are.
Go back to the weekend,
and tell you to forget it.
Go back to that night,
and decide to go out instead.
Go back to that vacation,
and invite someone else.
Go back to that text message,
and accidentally delete it.
Go back to that summer night,
and answer that phone call.
Go back to when you broke my bracelet,
and laugh at your childish manner.
Go back to that dance,
and tell you I'm busy.
Go back to that nervous phone call,
and be to afraid to make it.
Go back to the beginning,
and forget the path I took.
Skip to the end to hear you say,
"do you remember when?"
only to declare...
"I'm sorry I forgot."

>>>> its a work in progress... I am not completely happy with it yet.. almost there... but i may re write it

1 comment:

  1. I kind of like this better, just because the end really hits me hard.

    I love it, I think it's the best piece yet
